Instantaneous activation energy of alkali activated materials


  • Shiju Joseph Building Materials and Building Technology Section, KU Leuven
  • Siva Uppalapati
  • Ozlem Cizer KU Leuven



Activation energy, alkali activated materials, calorimetry, blast furnace slag, fly ash


Alkali activated materials (AAM) are generally cured at high temperatures to compensate for the low reaction rate. Higher temperature accelerates the reaction of AAM as in cement-based materials and this effect is generally predicted using Arrhenius equation based on the activation energy. While apparent activation energy is calculated from parallel isothermal calorimetry measurements at different temperatures, instantaneous activation energy is typically measured using a differential scanning calorimeter. Compared to the apparent activation energy, instantaneous activation energy has minimal effects on the microstructural changes due to the variation in temperature. In this work, the evolution of activation energy was determined by traditional methods and was compared with the instantaneous activation energy. It was found that while the activation energy changed with the progress of reaction over traditional methods, the instantaneous activation energy did not show any changes / or remained the same. The instantaneous activation energy was also found to be higher compared to the apparent activation energy determined with traditional methods.

Evolution of the instanteneous apparent activation energy




How to Cite

Joseph, S.; Uppalapati, S.; Cizer, O. Instantaneous Activation Energy of Alkali Activated Materials. RILEM Tech Lett 2019, 3, 121-123.




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